We Led the U.S. CRPD Campaign
We Hold UN Consultative Status
We Conduct Disability Inclusion Training
We Assist Countries with CRPD Implementation
Your Donations Do Make a Difference!
Your Donations Do Make a Difference!
Your Donations Do Make a Difference!
Attention Advocates!!! Help us pass the Office of International Disability Rights Act!!
The United States International Council on Disabilities (USICD) is a Washington, DC area based 501(c)3 non-profit.

Here are just a few of the countries we’ve impacted: Armenia, Burma, Guatemala, Hungary, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, Mozambique, Vietnam

evidence that this gap may be growing. Children with disabilities are also less likely to start school and constitute a major group among out-of-school children (World Bank)

USICD is advocating for a permanent Office of International Disability Rights with an Ambassador-level Special Advisor on International Disability Rights with staff and funding
USICD is advocating for a permanent Disability Coordinator, a revised disability inclusion policy that mandates inclusion across all USAID programs and that no funds should be used in any way that segregates people with disabilities.
Via our UN Consultative States, with the UN Economic and Social Council (highest status granted by the UN to NGOs) & many other subsidiary bodies, we educate and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities globally.