- USICD’s Annual Meeting will occur on 16 October from 3 – 4 PM EDT via Zoom. A notice and reminder was emailed to members.
- Tickets sales for the virtual USICD Fundraising Gala are open. Visit our Eventbrite ticket sales page for more information.
- Read Time for the International Criminal Court to Recognize Persons with Disabilities and the Slave Trade an article co-authored by USICD Board Member, Janet Lord and USICD’s International Advocate Award recipients, Rosemary Kayess and Michael Ashley Stein.
- Register for virtual side events at the United Nations Conference of State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (10 – 13 June 2024)
- Watch USICD’s May 2024 webinar titled “Understanding the History & Benefits of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”
- University of Baltimore School of Law: USICD Board Member Janet E. Lord, CICL Executive Director, Speaks on Disability Inclusion and Security at U.S. Institute of Peace
- Harvard Law Today: Michael Ashley Stein receives award from the United States International Council on Disabilities. Read the article.
- Harvard Law School Project on Disability: Professor Michael Ashley Stein Honored by US International Council on Disabilities. Read the article.
- The United States International Council on Disabilities Mourns the Passing of our Board Member, Friend, and U.S. and Global Disability Rights Activists, Judith Heumann. Read the Press Release.
- USICD Executive Director, Isabel Hodge and Disability Rights International Executive Director and USICD Board Member, Eric Rosenthal participated in a Hill panel celebrating the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and discussing the International Children with Disabilities Protection Act.
- Ask your Senators to co-sponsor the International Children with Disabilities Protection Act of 2022.
- White House Proclamation on International Day Of Persons With Disabilities, 2021
- President Biden Announces Sara Minkara as United States Special Advisor on International Disability Rights.
- The Taliban Is Targeting Disability-Rights Activists, an article in The Nation by Sarah Katz, quoting USICD’s Executive Director, Isabel Hodge.
- Register today for A Call to Action to Protect the Right to Family; International Challenges and Solutions for Children in Orphanages and Residential Care Worldwide, a two-day webinar being held on 7 & 8 September that is being hosted by Disability Rights International, USICD and the University of Leeds.
- Register today for The Power of International Economic Development and Inclusion virtual panel presentation. This panel is sponsored by USICD and Trickle Up with generous support from JP Morgan Chase & Co. The event will be held on Thursday 8 July at 2:30pm EST.
- Register today for the USICD sponsored for SIGA’s 3rd episode of WoW (Women on Wednesdays) where they shine a spotlight on inspirational Paralympic Champions that are breaking boundaries and advancing good governance and diversity and inclusion in sport. On Wednesday at 11:00, SIGA will hear from USICD’s VIce President and nine-time winter and summer games Paralympian.
- USICD Board Member, Judith Heumann, has a new book titled Rolling Warrior; The Incredible Sometimes Awkward True Story of a Rebel Girl on Wheels Who Helped Spark a Revolution. Purchase it via AmazonSmile and designate the United States International Council on Disabilities are your preferred nonprofit!
- Call for submissions to UN working group on deinstitutionalization. Click to learn more.
- Register today for USICD’s 25 February event titled 30/30 – Sports as a Tool for Advocacy and Development ocusing on Article 30 of the CRPD and Goal 11 of the SDGs.
- Read USICD Board Members Judith Heumann and John Wodatch’s NY Times Editorial: We’re 20 Percent of America, and We’re Still Invisible; Disabled Americans are asking for true Inclusion.
- Read USICD President, Dr. Patricia Morrisey’s editorial: The 30th Anniversary of the ADA: How Should We Celebrate?
- Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) Introduces Bill to Promote Disability Rights and Inclusion in U.S. Foreign Assistance Programs; Legislation Establishes an Office of International Disability Rights Within U.S. State Department
- Read the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities’ Board of Directors Statement on George Floyd
- Visit USICD’s COVID-19 page for disability-specific information, resources and articles from around the world.
- New Netflix documentary Crip Camp features USICD Board member and international activist Judith Heumann.
- Buy USICD Board member, Judith Heumann’s new book Being Heumann today!
- Executive Director, Isabel Hodge, will present at the 2020 Pacific Rim Disability & Diversity Conference in Honolulu Hawaii on 2-3 March.
- Executive Director, Isabel Hodge presented on the Future of Work panel at the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Making the Future of Work Inclusive of Persons with Disabilities conference in Geneva, Switzerland on 21 November.
- On October 7th, USICD Executive Director, Isabel Hodge, worked with international fellow, Daniel Csango on his employment and independent living project in Budapest, Hungary.
- In October 2019, USICD Executive Director, Isabel Hodge, and Board Member, Janet Lord, presented on international human rights law and humanitarian law at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute in Lund, Sweden.
- Order USICD Board Member Judy Heumann’s new book “Being Heumann: An Unrepentant Memoir of a Disability Rights Activist.”
- Press Release: The United States International Council on Disabilities mourns the death of its Board member, long-time Past President, and co-founder, Marca Bristo
- USICD completed Inclusive Education advocacy training in Maputo, Mozambique on 16 August, 2019.
- USICD’s Executive Director, Isabel Hodge, was re-elected to serve as the Vice President of Disabled Peoples’ International N. American and the Caribbean at the regional meeting that was held in St. Kitts and Nevis from 23-25 August, 2019.
- USICD’s Executive Director, Isabel Hodge, presented at the Disability Policy Seminar on 8 April, 2019 and encouraged attendees to support USICD’s Policy Priorities and join USICD as members. Click here to view or download the handout.
- USICD Board Member, Judith Heumann, recently published a Ford Foundation report, titled “Road Map for Inclusion: Changing the Face of Disability in Media. Read the full report.
Other News from USICD Members & Sponsors:
Read Source America’s How COVID-19 is Reshaping the Future of Work for Persons with Disabilities – http://sourceamerica.org/sites/default/files/2020-sam-fow-covid19-0420.pdf
Learn about the University of Hawaii at Manoa’s Center on Disability Studies’ Interdisciplinary Certificate and Coursework in Disability and Diversity Studies
Not Dead Yet: Disability Community Commemorates Lives of Disabled Victims of Homicide/Filicide
Learn about Uber’s commitment to Fostering Diversity and Inclusion
CBM International Develops ‘Disability Inclusive Community Action –COVID-19 Matrix’
USICD Member, Disability Rights International released their report titled A Dead End for Children: Bulgaria’s Group Homes.
ANCOR and UCP’s Case for Inclusion 2020 report is now available. The report is a a comprehensive data tool that examines how well programs in all 50 states and the District of Columbia are serving residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Please contact us to have your organization’s news featured on our website (USICD organizational membership required)