USICD has compiled the below COVID-19 resources in response to requests from disabled peoples’ organizations around the globe.
The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the United States International Council on Disabilities (USICD).
Please send your official updates and press releases to info@usicd.org
Go to:
USA-Civil Society
USA – Government
Official US Government coronavirus website. Also visit https://www.usa.gov/coronavirus (Spanish: https://gobierno.usa.gov/coronavirus) to learn more about the Government’s response to COVID-19.
Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Community Living (ACL): Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (Also available in Spanish)
Administration for Community Living (ACL) webpage on COVID-19 for older adults and people with disabilities. Scroll to the bottom of the page for resources in Spanish.
Center for Disease Control’s How to Prepare webpage. The CDC website also has Frequently Asked Questions for International Travelers
CDC: Disability Inclusive Social Protection Response to COVID-19 Crisis YouTube video with ASL and captioning. (21 April, 2020)
CDC Language Assistance Services
CDC: Six American Sign Language (ASL) videos on COVID-19 (may take a few minutes for the YouTube channel to load)
CMS: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Partner Toolkit (lots of excellent resources)
CMS: Fact Sheet on 1135 Blanket Waivers
Department of Defense Military OneSource COVID-19 information for the military community.
Department of Education Q&A on Proving Services to Children with Disabilities During the Coronavirus Disease Outbreak
Dept. of Education Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services (OSERS): RSA COVID-19 Questions & Answers: Administration of the VR Services, AIVRS, and Randolph-Sheppard Programs (dtd 14 May, 2020)
Department of Health & Human Services: OCR Issues Bulletin on Civil Rights Laws and HIPAA Flexibilities That Apply During the COVID-19 Emergency (dtd 28 March, 2020)
Department of Labor COVID-19 webpage includes information on workplace safety, and other general relevant information for workers and employers.
Department of Labor: COVID-19 and the American Workplace; Temporary Rule: Paid leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Job Accommodation Network: The ADA and Managing Reasonable Accommodation Requests from Employees with Disabilities in Response to COVID-19
Job Accommodation Network: COVID-19, Stress, and Mental Health Conditions
Department of State COVID-19 webpage includes travel advisories, international aid information and other important details.
FEMA: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response (available in Spanish)
FEMA: Rumor Control (also available in Spanish)
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Coronavirus Tax Relief information. Details about tax filing which has been extended to 15 July, 2020. Read more here.
NYC Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities: Accessible Virtual Meetings Guide
NYC Health: General coronavirus resources and Guidance for people who may have increased risk
Public Law 116-123 – Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act Read the summary here.
SAMHSA’s Tips for Social Distancing and Isolation – This tip sheet describes feelings and thoughts people may have during and after social distancing, quarantine, and isolation. It also suggests ways to care for behavioral health during these experiences and provides resources for more help.
SAMHSA Disaster Distress Line: https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/disaster-distress-helpline
- Deaf/Hard of Hearing instructions:
- Text TalkWithUs to 66746
- Use your preferred relay service to call the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990
- TTY 1-800-846-8517
National Council on Disability COVID-19 Letter to Health & Human Services Office for Civil Rights
Go to USA-Civil Society
USA – Civil Society
10 News: Local singer-songwriter inspires others with new song about pandemic (article dtd 22 April, 2020)
1A WAMU NPR: Caring For Children And Teens With Special Needs During A Global Pandemic (article dtd 14 April, 2020)
ABC News: The other coronavirus ‘front line’: At home with special needs children (dtd 2 April, 2020)
Access Living:
Community Prevails During Physical Distancing (11 May, 2020)
April is National Fair Housing Month! Know Your Rights: COVID-19 and Fair Housing (29 April, 2020)
4/7 Advocacy Focus: COVID-19 and Home/Community Based Services ( 8 April, 2020)
ADA Live: Episode 80: Rationing of Medical Care and Protecting the Rights of People with Disabilities (podcast with transcription dtd 22 April, 2020)
AMA Journal of Ethics: Ethics Talk: Disability Community Perspectives on COVID-19 (podcast dtd April 2020)
American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Accessible Education Resources (blog dtd 23 March, 2020)
Arizona Daily Star: People with intellectual disabilities may be denied lifesaving care under these plans as coronavirus spreads (article dtd 27 March, 2020)
AUCD Policy Talk: We’re Concerned and Yet Hopeful (15 May, 2020)
Autism Focused Intervention Resources & Modules: COVID-19 Toolkit: Supporting Individuals with Autism through Uncertain Times (available in several languages)
Blindy Blog Resources for the Blind and Visually Impaired Community
Bloomberg Law: Pennsylvania Reverses Guidance on Disability Care During Covid-19 (article dtd 16 April, 2020)
Bob Williams COVID Advocacy Video (YouTube video dtd 16 April, 2020)
Boston Globe: The expendables in the coronavirus pandemic: The elderly and those with disabilities (article dtd 24 April, 2020)
Brandeis: Amplifying the voices of people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic (article dtd 29 April, 2020)
Business Insider: The deaf community is facing new barriers as we navigate inaccessible face masks and struggle to follow news broadcasts and teleconferences — but the tools for accessibility are out there (blog dtd 29 April, 2020)
Candid.: The coronavirus crisis: an unprecedented opportunity to advance authentic disability inclusion in our sector and beyond (dtd 3 April, 2020)
CBM: Disability Inclusive Community Action –COVID-19 Matrix
5Chicago: Blind Man With Coronavirus Found on Street After Hospital Discharged Him Without Notifying Family (includes video with captioning available) (article dtd 22 April, 2020)
CBS Chicago: Face Mask Recommendations Pose New Challenges For Deaf And Hard Of Hearing Community (7 April , 2020) Captioning available on video interview)
CBS Chicago: Families Angry Over Handling Of COVID-19 Outbreak At Adult Care Facility (dtd 31 March 2020)
CBS News: This veteran was admitted to the hospital with his guide dog. A nurse took care of them both for weeks. (article dtd 12 May, 2020)
Center for Disability Rights: Action steps for attendant service users
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: More Federal Medicaid Funding Needed to Protect Home- and Community-Based Services (15 May, 2020)
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:: Increasing FMAP Is Essential to Behavioral Health Care Access Amid COVID-19 (15 May, 2020)
CHCS (Center for Healthcare Strategies): Stemming the Risk of Disability Bias During the COVID-19 Pandemic ( 8 April, 2020)
Chest Foundation: COVID-19 Resources: Care Recommendations for Home‑Based Ventilation Patients
CommunicationFirst: COVID-19 Communication Rights Toolkit (27 March, 2020)
CNN: Workers with disabilities are especially hard hit in the coronavirus economy (article did 14 May, 2020)
CNN: Disabled Americans can’t be a Covid-19 afterthought (article dtd 23 April, 2020)
Daily Herald: Mask requirement deepens communication challenges for the deaf in the COVID-19 world especially when communicating with people who must wear masks (article dtd 2 May, 2020)
DCist: D.C.’s Intellectually Disabled Residents Face High Rates Of Infection, And Their Caretakers Are Stretched Thin (dtd 12 May, 2020)
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Technology Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center: How Do Deaf, Hard of Hearing and DeafBlind Communicate at the Hospital During COVID-19?
Declaration for Independence: NAB Asks Congress to Protect the Rights of People with Disabilities and Older Adults during the Pandemic (Letter dtd 16 April, 2020)
Detroit Free Press: Advocates: Michiganders with disabilities face coronavirus discrimination (article dtd 27 April, 2020)
DEVEX: How to ensure a disability-inclusive response to COVID-19 (article dtd 7 May, 2020)
Disability Demands: We’re All in This Together #DisabilityDemands #WhatWeNeed – Use Twitter to Tweet What the Community Demands
Disability Justice & COVID-19– Webinar dtd 11 May, 2020) YouTube video with captioning.
Disabilityscoop: Kids Who Rely On Ventilators Can’t Get Enough Supplies, Putting Their Lives At Risk (article dtd 23 April, 2020)
Disabilityscoop: Reason to Deny COVID-19 Care Trump administration is warning states and health care providers not to discriminate against people with disabilities as coronavirus spreads. (article dtd 30 March, 2020)
Disabilityscoop: Coronavirus Brings Added Worries For People With Disabilities (article dtd 17 March, 2020)
Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF): Letter to CA Governor Gavin Newsom: Protect Disabled Californians and Prohibit Healthcare “Rationing” Based on Disability (20 March, 2020)
DREDF COVID-19 Advocacy & Resources
Disability Rights Fund: Our Response to COVID-19 Concerns
Edutopia/George Lucas Foundation: New Strategies in Special Education as Kids Learn From Home (27 March, 2020)
Elizabeth Dole Foundation: Putting Caregivers First: Critical Response to COVID-19 and What Comes Next – April 23 (YouTube video posted 27 April, 2020)
Family Caregiver Alliance; National Center on Caregiving: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources and Articles for Family Caregivers
Fair Play Talks: Staff with disabilities suffer more economically amid Covid-19 (article 6 May, 2020)
Feeding America : Find Your Local Food Bank
- COVID-19 Teaches Us A Lot About Differences In The Disability Community (article dtd 30 April, 2020)
- 3 Ways The COVID-19 Pandemic Could Change Disability Policies And Practices (article dtd 20 April, 2020)
- The Disability Community Fights Deadly Discrimination Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic (article dtd 14 April, 2020)
- Mindset Matters: Invisible Disabilities And The Future Of Work In The Era Of COVID-19 by Jonathan Kaufman (article dtd 23 March, 2020)
- 5 Things To Know About Coronavirus And People With Disabilities by Andrew Pulrang (article dtd 8 March, 2020)
FOX 56: Coronavirus crisis exacts toll on people with disabilities (article dtd 6 May, 2020)
FOX KTVU: Disabled advocates fear discrimination, supply rationing amid coronavirus pandemic ( 10 April, 2020)
Fox News: Forgotten population of COVID-19: Developmentally disabled and group home workers Includes video with captioning. (article dtd 22 April, 2020)
Green Mountain Self-Advocates: COVID-19 Information By and For People with Disabilities Information in plain English with images.
Hartford Courant: Advocates want parents of people with intellectual disabilities to be excused from Connecticut’s no-visit rule at hospitals during the coronavirus crisis (article with video with no captioning dtd 20 April, 2020)
Harvard Business Review: How to Be an Inclusive Leader Through a Crisis (article dtd 10 April, 2020)
Health Care Access Research and Developmental Disabilities: How to stay safe, well and connected (4 April, 2020)
HuffPost: Parents Worry New School Waivers Could Unravel Special Ed Protections. Districts Say They’re Necessary. (article dtd 24 April, 2020)
HuffPost: How Children With Disabilities Are Getting Left Behind
HuffPost: People With Disabilities Were Already Overlooked. Coronavirus Is Making It Worse (dtd 27 March, 2020)
In These Times: How Disabled Activists Are Fighting Isolation, Collectively (1 April, 2020)
HuffPost Personal: As A Disabled Person, I’m Afraid I May Not Be Deemed Worth Saving From The Coronavirus by Email Ladau (25 March, 2020)
Jersey.com: Eric LeGrand knows the coronavirus might kill him. He hasn’t left his house in 28 days. (dtd 9 April, 2020)
John Hopkins University: COVID-19 poses unique challenges for people with disabilities (article dtd 23 April, 2020)
Justice in Aging: CMS Guidance/Waivers to Nursing Facilities During COVID-19 Outbreak (3 April, 2020)
Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF): Medicaid Emergency Authority Tracker: Approved State Actions to Address COVID-19 (dtd 3 April, 2020)
KARE 11 Investigates: COVID-19 leaves most vulnerable without critical home care Includes video with captioning available. (article dtd 24 April, 2020)
Kessler Foundation: nTIDE March 2020 Jobs Report: COVID-19 Effects Not Yet Seen in Jobs Data for Americans with Disabilities (3 April, 2020)
KOMONEWS: Coronavirus crisis exacts toll on people with disabilities (6 May, 2020)
Los Angeles Times:: Letters to the Editor: Rationing COVID-19 treatment to the elderly and disabled is illegal and immoral (30 April, 2020)
Los Angeles Times: Coronavirus poses added challenges for hospital patients who are deaf or hard of hearing (article dtd 16 April, 2020)
The Paralysis Resource Center has created this resource for people living with paralysis. Additional paralysis resources:
- SCI, flu, and coronavirus
- El coronavirus (COVID-19) y la parálisis
- Coronavirus fact sheet (PDF): English Spanish
Plain Language Information on COVID-19 from the Self Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center (SARTAC)
- This 8-page booklet about the Coronavirus is written in plain language. It was created by and for people with developmental disabilities. It focuses on “need to know” information (not “nice to know” information).
- Información de COVID-19 Por y Para Personas con Discapacidades
Politico: Disabled, elderly going without home care amid shortage of protective gear and tests. Some patients fear letting caregivers in — and some caregivers fear going to work. (article dtd 3 May, 2020)
Portlight Strategies, Inc. COVID-19 Announcement webpage – includes information about a call-to-action identifying the urgent need for immediate strategies and solutions from the federal government and governments at every level, including local, state, tribal and territorial, to address the specific needs of people with disabilities, older adults, and people with access and functional needs throughout the COVID-19 outbreak and all public health emergencies.
Richmond Times-Dispatch: Pandemic intensifies struggles people with disabilities face in finding support (article dtd 9 May, 2020))
Medium: Employers: If You Want to Re-Open, Study the ADA First (blog dtd 25 April, 2020)
Medium: I’m Autistic. This CDC Equation Decides How Much Less Valuable My Life Is Than Yours. Happy Autism Awareness Month. (blog dtd 22 April, 2020)
MS Magazine: A Disability Should Not Invalidate a Person’s Worthiness—Especially During a Pandemic (29 April, 2020)
MS Magazine: A Disability Should Not Invalidate a Person’s Worthiness—Especially During a Pandemic (article dtd 21 April, 2020)
MSNBC: Virus crisis isolating the disabled and their families (article with video dtd 1 May, 2020)
National Association of the Deaf (NAD) COVID-19 Message About Coronavirus.
National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) Advocacy Monitor
National Federation of the Blind response to COVID-19 Press Release
NBC News: Coronavirus in a psychiatric hospital: ‘It’s the worst of all worlds’ (article dtd 17 April, 2020)
NBC Network: Trying Not to Panic:’ COVID-19 Cases Soar in Resource-Strapped NY Group Homes (article with video dtd 27 March, 2020)
National Disability Institute Financial Health During COVID-19 (April, 2020)
National Disability Rights Network (NDRN): NDRN Launches “Know Your Right to Be Safe at Home: Domestic Violence during the COVID-19 Pandemic” Video (29 April, 2020)
National Health law Program: Disability, Race, and Structural Inequity: COVID-19 and the Long-Term Care Workforce (29 April, 2020)
National Journal: Disability advocates press Congress to fund home health services (article dtd 16 April, 2020)
National Organization for Rare Diseases: Prevention and risk for rare community
New York Times: ‘I Will Not Apologize for My Needs’ by Ari Ne’eman (Opinion dtd 23 March, 2020)
New York Times: Will Disabled People Be at a Disadvantage for Scarce Coronavirus Treatment? (article dtd 24 March, 2020)
News & Observer: Coronavirus creates new worries for people with disabilities who depend on in-home care (article dtd 24 April, 2020)
North Jersey.com: Coronavirus: NJ reports 12 deaths, 86 positive cases in group homes for disabled (article dtd 7 April, 2020) Contains video with no captions)
Not Dead Yet Blog titled COVID-19 Reveals A Deadly Failure of Priorities. Visit USICD member Not Dead Yet to link to affiliates in the UK, Canada and New Zealand (scroll down on the right side-bar)
HHS Warns States Not To Put People With Disabilities At The Back Of The Line For Care (article dtd 28 March, 2020)
People With Disabilities Say Rationing Care Policies Violate Civil Rights by Joseph Shapiro (article dtd 23 March, 2020)
Education Dept. Says Disability Laws Shouldn’t Get In The Way Of Online Learning
NYU Center for Disability Studies: Disability Justice and COVID-19 Resources (dtd 11 April, 2020)
Ohio Association of County Boards (OACB): OACB creates “health passport” to assist people served unable to enter hospitals with staff, family (dtd 8 April, 2020)
OPB: For People With Disabilities, COVID-19 Presents An Extra Burden (article dtd 7 May, 2020) Audio available
Patch: Ensuring People with Disabilities Aren’t a COVID-19 Afterthought (7 May, 2020)
PBS News Hour:
Pandemic means Americans with disabilities aren’t getting the services they need (article dtd 11 May, 2020) Transcript and audio available
The Challenge of Distance Learning for parents of children with special needs (29 April, 2020)
Quartz: Face masks are excluding the deaf and hard of hearing community (article dtd 16 April, 2020)
Queens Daily Eagle: COVID-19 threatens people with developmental disabilities, and the agencies that serve them (dtd 3 April, 2020)
RespectAbility: Disabled Americans Demand Hospitals Aren’t Pushed into Medical Rationing (article dtd 22 March, 2020)
Roll Call: In responding to COVID-19, Congress must not overlook people with severe disabilities; Their caregivers need hazard pay and PPE funding (article dtd 20 April, 2020)
Rooted in Rights: The COVID-19 Pandemic Makes it Clear: It’s Time to Permanently Close Institutions (blog dtd 7 May, 2020)
Ruderman Family Foundation: Season 3, Episode 1: How Do Healthcare Providers Treat Patients Equally During the COVID-19 Pandemic? (podcast with transcription dtd 27 April, 2020)
Ruderman Family Foundation: The Ruderman White Paper on Fair Resource Allocation During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rush University Medical Center: COVID-19 Hits Disabled Community Harder but May Provide New Opportunities for Inclusiveness
Social Work Helper: New White Paper Provides Triage Blueprint for COVID-19 Pandemic to Protect People with Disabilities (article dtd 24 April, 2020)
Source America: How COVID-19 is Reshaping the Future of Work for Persons with Disabilities (White Paper dtd April, 2020)
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Colleen Kelly Starkloff: Lives worth saving in pandemic triage decisions (21 March, 2020)
Stony Brook University: Preparing Individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities for Medical Treatment at Hospitals ( 8 April, 2020)
Spectrum: How governments should maintain disability services during the pandemic by Ari Ne’eman (article dtd 24 March 2020)
STAT: People with disabilities are at a disadvantage when scarce medical resources are being allocated (blog dtd 29 April, 2020)
STREETSBLO CAL: Pandemic Underscores Difficulties Accessing Transportation for People with Disabilities ( blog dtd 21 April, 2020)
Street Roots News: Guide dogs draw complaints for failing to follow social distancing guidelines (article dtd 19 April, 2020)
The Arc: Welcome Relief for Students with Disabilities and Families (28 April, 2020)
The Arc: Disability Discrimination Complaint Filed Over COVID-19 Treatment Rationing Plan in Washington State (23 March, 2020)
The Baltimore Sun: Disability advocates push Hogan administration for pledge to protect rights if ventilator use is rationed (article dtd 21 April, 2020)
The CDE (Campaign for Disability Employment): Telework Is an Opportunity for Americans, Including People with Disabilities (April 2020)
The Center for Public Integrity: New Bill attempts to ensure people with disabilities get equal ventilator access (article dtd 5 May, 2020)
The Chronicle of Philanthropy: In Covid-19 Crisis, Philanthropy’s Attention Must Focus on People With Disabilities (30 April, 2020)
The Conversation: Children with disabilities face health risks, disruption and marginalization under coronavirus (article dtd 11 May, 2020)
The Conversation: Coronavirus could revolutionize work opportunities for people with disabilities (article dtd 5 May, 2020)
The CT Mirror: “A veil of guilt comes over you’: Covid-19 hard for people with intellectual disabilities and those who love them” (dtd 7 April, 2020)
The Hill: Disabled advocates warn coronavirus stimulus does not address pandemic’s impact on community ( article dtd26 March, 2020)
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights: Letter to Congress:; Overview of the priorities of the civil and human rights coalition for upcoming action in response to the COVID-19 crisis. (letter dtd 27 April, 2020)
ThisAbled Nation: The Unacceptable Death Of the Disabled and Elderly (blog dtd 20 April, 2020)
Thomas B. Fordham Institute: Students with disabilities: The whipping boy of coronavirus closures (dtd 2 April, 20)
The Center for Public Integrity: State Policies May Send People with Disabilities to the Back of the Line for Ventilators (dtd 8 April, 2020)
The Chronicle of Higher Education: Disabled Students Already Faced Learning Barriers. Then Coronavirus Forced an Abrupt Shift to Online Classes. ( 7 April, 2020)
Time: ‘This Is Really Life or Death.’ For People With Disabilities, Coronavirus Is Making It Harder Than Ever to Receive Care (article dtd 24 April, 2020)
Tips for Emergency Use of Mobile Devices
The Lancet: The COVID-19 response must be disability inclusive
The Mighty: How COVID-19 Is Making the Caregiver Crisis Worse (blog dtd 12 April, 2020)
The New York Times:
Needing At-Home Workers, Call Centers Turn to People With Disabilities (article dtd 26 April, 2020)
‘It’s Hit Our Front Door’: Homes for the Disabled See a Surge of Covid-19‘ (article dtd 8 April, 2020)
U.S. Civil Rights Office Rejects Rationing Medical Care Based on Disability, Age (article dtd 28 March, 2020)
DeVos Weighs Waivers for Special Education. Parents Are Worried. (dtd 2 April, 2020)
The New Yorker: Who Is “Worthy”? Deaf-Blind People Fear That Doctors Won’t Save Them from the Coronavirus (article dtd 28 April, 2020)
The News & Observer: Families say they can’t see children with disabilities as hospitals battle coronavirus (article dtd 5 May, 2020)
The Philadelphia Inquirer: ‘Running out of time’: Pa. group homes for intellectually disabled warn of financial ruin (article 8 May, 2020)
The Progressive: Smart Ass Cripple: They Want Me to Die so They Can Go Shopping (blog dtd 1 May, 2020)
The Seattle Times: Coronavirus: Remember students with disabilities in a time of crisis (article dtd 26 March, 2020)
The Washington Times: Gallaudet University helps deaf, hard of hearing stay informed on virus ( 2 April, 2020)
TIME: ‘This Is Really Life or Death.’ For People With Disabilities, Coronavirus Is Making It Harder Than Ever to Receive Care (article dtd 24 May, 2020)
Times Standard: What stores have special hours for seniors, disabled folks? Here’s our list (23 March, 2020)
TRUTHOUT: I’m Native and Disabled. The US Government Is Sacrificing My People. (26 April, 2020)
TRUTHOUT: Our Responses to COVID-19 Must Center Disability Justice (21 March, 2020)
University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill; UNC team creates online toolkit for those supporting individuals with autism during COVID-19 epidemic (19 March, 2020)
CVB Channel 5 Boston: Developmentally disabled, staff falling ill to coronavirus in Massachusetts (dtd 2 April, 2020) Video with captions.
United Spinal Association: COVID-19: Disability-Specific Information
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine: Rapid Response Team Training: Preventing discrimination against people with disabilities during a public health emergency (May, 2020)
USA Today: ‘I cannot read their lips’: The deaf community faces another communication hurdle as face masks become the new normal (article dtd 28 April, 2020)
USA Today: After the pandemic: New work at home rules could help people with disabilities land jobs. The COVID 19 pandemic has forced an untold number of companies to find ways to accommodate their employees who suddenly had to work remotely. (article dtd 19 April, 2020)
WAMU 88.5 (American University radio): People With Disabilities Fear Pandemic Will Worsen Medical Biases (15 April, 2020) (NEW)
Washington City Paper: D.C. Residents With Disabilities Depend on Grocery Delivery Services. Now Everyone Wants a Slot.
The Weekender: A chilling waiting game: Disability and health care during a pandemic ( 15 April, 2020) (NEW)
WCVB: Nearly half of developmentally disabled at state home infected with coronavirus (article dtd 17 April, 2020)
WFSB: Advocates send 900 emails calling for change on behalf of those with intellectual disabilities (video dtd 24 April, 2020)
WITH: COVID-19 and people with I/DD: A physician’s perspective (dtd 8 April 2020)
World Institute on Disability Recommendations for Immediate Action: The Rights & Needs of People with Disabilities Who Use Personal Assistance Services & Supports Throughout COVID-19 Planning & Response
WTTW: UIC Student (from Japan) With a Disability Fights to Live Independently in Uncertain Times (article dtd 21 April, 2020)
WXXI News: Advocates say next stimulus package must support people with disabilities (article dtd 4 May, 2020)
Yahoo! News: Doctors facing grim choice over ventilators told to put patients with disabilities at the back of the line (article dtd 20 April, 2020)
Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission Coronavirus information video. Dari language with sign language included.
CNBCAfrica – COVID-19: Who is Protecting THE People with Disabilities? UN Expert
Ghana failed to provide coronavirus information in sign language (article dtd 23 March, 2020)
Ghana National Association of the Deaf (GNAD) Stay At Home video (sign language)
Kenya: KTN News: The deaf community feels left out, desperate for information on Covid-19 updates (video with sign language) (dtd 23 March, 2020)
UNESCO Mozambique: Young person with a disability does not give up studying due to the COVID-19 pandemic (14 May, 2020)
Learn How to Prtect Yourself from Coronavirus in LSM. Aiba Como Se Proteger Do Coronavirus Em LSM (information in sign language)
US-based Group Makes Case for Persons with Disabilities (dtd 2 April, 2020)
Vanguard News: COVID-19: Protect disabled Nigerians with UN Treaty — Us-Based Pressure Group (dtd 3 April, 2020)
Vanguard News: COVID-19: Golden opportunity for Nigeria’s traditional institution to provide leadership for new world order
South Africa:
Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria: Disability rights during the coronavirus pandemic: Launch of the COVID-19 Disability Rights Monitor (article dtd 20 April, 2020)
Maverick Citizen: COVID-19: A double whammy for the blind; Blind SA has launched an emergency fund to support blind and visually impaired sheltered workers who have lost their livelihoods during the Covid-19 crisis. (article dtd 27 April, 2020)
Mail & Guardian: Deciding whose lives really matter in a pandemic (14 May, 2020)
IDA: When accessible information is far from a reality: Zimbabwe during COVID-19 (dtd 16 April, 2020)
WHO Drawing on Ebola readiness to tackle COVID-19 (9 April, 2020)
Australian Government; Management and Operational Plan for People with Disability The Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Novel Coronavirus guides the Australian health sector response. This management and operational plan focuses on people with disability (20 April, 2020)
Australian Government; Department of Social Services: COVID-19 Information and support for people with disability and carers
Australian Government; Department of Social Services: Disability and Carers; Information and referrals for people with disability and their supporters about coronavirus (COVID-19) Disability Helpline. Page includes accessible resources on COVID-19.
Australian Federation of Disability Organizations (AFDO): CoronaVirus (COVID-19) Information
Audio files with health messages for coronavirus (COVID-19) in Aboriginal language (click the drop down arrows to access the available languages)
Greg Hunt, Minister of Health: Immediate response plan to focus on people with disability during Coronavirus (dtd 3 April, 2020)
National Disability Services: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Council for Intellectual Disability: Staying at Home During Coronavirus
Council for Intellectual Disability: Look after your mental health during Coronavirus (19 March, 2020)
CRE-DH (Centre of Research Excellence in Disability and Health): AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY AND THE COVID-19 RESPONSE ( 15 March, 2020)
Crikey Inq: ‘I could be dead by then’: slow NDIS support puts thousands of lives at risk (dtd 31 March, 2020)
The National Interest (Blog): For Those With Disabilities, COVID-19 Is a Real Killer (dtd 29 March, 2020)
The University of Melbourne: Disability inclusion and Covid-19. What future do we want (article did 7 April, 2020)
Syndromes Without A Name (SWAN) Australia: Coronavirus Resources
10 Daily: Disability Pensioners ‘Skipping Meals’ Over ‘Inadequate’ Coronavirus Help (article with video April, 2020)
Dhaka Tribune: Disability in the time of Covid-19 (dtd 2 April, 2020)
ARCH – Disability Law Centre: COVID-19 and Disability: Recommendations to the Canadian Government from Disability Related Organizations in Canada – March 24, 2020 ( 24 March, 2020)
Autistics for Autistics (A4A) Ontario: Intellectually disabled Canadians are dying in residential institutions: What’s happening & what can be done (17 April, 2020)
Canada News: People with disabilities need more support amid COVID-19 outbreak: advocate (20 March, 2020)
Canadian Association for Community Living: Easy Read and Disability-Related Resources for Families
CBC: Group calls for more safety for Canadians with intellectual disabilities; People with intellectual disabilities should receive same safety measures as seniors (article dtd 25 April, 2020)
CBC: COVID-19 ‘is threatening to us’: Past epidemic leaves survivors at risk (article dtd 29 March, 2020)
CBC: Woman with disability dies alone at B.C. hospital amid COVID-19 restrictions (article dtd 24 April, 2020)
CBC: Man stuck hours daily on floor while province closes Assistive Devices office (article dtd 22 April, 2020)
People First of Canada: Information sheet
Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba: Sharing hope in self-isolation (Facebook video with captions)
Globe2Go: Sevent Estey: ‘His Absence felt like an echo.’ Coping with the pain of trying to protect a loved one, by staying away. (May, 2020)
Global News: Coronavirus: British Columbians on disability assistance say supplement not enough ( 2 April, 2020)
Ontario Human Rights Commission: Actions consistent with a human rights-based approach to managing the COVID-19 pandemic
News 1130: Disabled woman’s death raises questions about COVID-19 policy (article dtd 24 April, 2020)
Regina Leader-Post: ‘Routine is a medication:’ COVID-19 disrupting life for people with disabilities (article dtd 20 April, 2020)
The Tyee: We’re Proving Remote Work Is Possible. That’s Good News for People with Disabilities (9 April, 2020)
Toronto Sun: LEVY: Hospital bans disabled patient from using iPad calling it ‘surveillance tool’ (article dtd 1 May, 2020)
Toronto City News: People with disabilities need more support amid COVID-19 outbreak: advocate (20 March, 2020)
Toronto SUN: Disabled to be Denied COVID-19 Care?
Caribbean Region
- CARICOM Special Rapporteur on Disability Calls on Regional Governments to Ensure Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Fight against COVID-19
- Disabled People’s International N. America and the Caribbean (DPI NAC) COVID-19 Pandemic Message (English)
- Disabled People’s International N. America and the Caribbean (DPI NAC) COVID-19 Pandemic Message (French)
- Antigua & Barbuda: Disabled Community Appeals for Inclusion in COVID-19 Messaging
- Bahamas: The Tribune: Living With Disabilities In Covid-19 Crisis
- Guyana Chronicle: Ensure Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in COVID-19 fight
- St. Kitts & Nevis Observer: Blind, Diabetic T&T Citizen Stranded in St. Lucia Pleads for Help (article dtd 26 Marc, 2020)
- Saint Lucia – Interview with Disabled Peoples International N. America and the Caribbean President (DPI NAC) & President of the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities, Merphilus James Another video here.
Disabled People’s International (DPI) Acting Chairperson, Mrs. Henrietta Davis-Wray: Important Message from DPI on COVID-19 Pandemic
People First Hong Kong: Easy-to-read-guidelines on COVID-19 by Chosen Power (via Google Drive)
Khaleej Times: Combating Covid-19: DHA to home-deliver medicines across UAE (article dtd 7 April, 2020)
BBC News: Coronavirus: Belarus orphanage seeks help amid ‘critical’ outbreak
Bridging the Gap: The impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities
Council of Europe: Persons with disabilities must not be left behind in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic
European Disability Forum: Comprehensive update from Europe
European Disability Forum: Frequently Asked Questions: COVID19 and disability organisations
European Network on Independent Living (ENIL): Persons with Disabilities Stripped of Support and Protective Equipment during COVID 19 Crisis (3 April, 2020)
Inclusion Europe: Easy-to-read information about Coronavirus in many languages
Inclusion Europe: 5 steps to prevent harm to people with intellectual disabilities and their families in Coronavirus emergency
International Disability Alliance (IDA): “We either die of hunger or coronavirus”, COVID-19 in Ecuador (13 May, 2020)
Elysee: Face au COVID-19, rester chez soi peut être une épreuve lorsque l’on vit avec l’autisme (Publié le 2 avril 2020 )
Kaieteur News: CDC distributes hampers to persons living with disabilities — over 700 individuals to benefit (article dtd 1 May, 2020)
Alter Presse: Haïti-Santé : Les messages de sensibilisation autour du Covid-19 doivent être adaptés aux besoins des personnes sourdes, souhaite le Bseiph (5 Match, 2020) Haiti-Health: The awareness messages around the Covid-19 must be adapted to the needs of deaf people, wishes the Bseiph.
India Department of Empowerment of People with Disabilities: Guidelines prepared by DEPwD for safety of Divyangjan during lockdown period (dtd 27 March, 2020) Audio available.
BBC News: Corona virus: ‘We can’t walk, can’t see, how to stay in lockdown? How to do social distancing? (dtd 2 April, 2020) कोरोना वायरस: ‘हम चल नहीं सकते, देख नहीं सकते, लॉकडाउन में कैसे रहें? सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग कैसे करें?’ (Hindi) Note: Use Google Translate on Chrome browser to read in English
Scroll.in: Coronavirus: For Persons with Disabilities, avoiding: Covid-19 poses special challenges by Nipun Malhotra, New Delhi, India
Message to Parents of Divyangjan (This is the message from Shri Ganesh Sheregar (Principal, SEC), NIEPID to the parents of Divyangajan) Video with sign language.
International Disability Alliance (IDA): COVID and Women with Disabilities in India
The News Mir: Kerala woman with intellectual disability makes more than 1000 masks for health workers (25 April, 2020)
AIDRAN: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Blind and Visually Impaired in Indonesia (dtd 1 April, 2020)
COVID-19 and The Forgotten People (article dtd 16 April, 2020)
Activist Saji Mohammed, a disabled person at the Disabled People’s Assembly in Iraq, launches her Coronavirus awareness message (no captions) The Iraqi Disabled – IAOD has more coronavirus discussion videos available on their Facebook page.
Iraq Alliance on Disability YouTube Coronavirus video in the deaf sign language of Iraq
Irish Examiner: Frank Conaty: No going back to reduced rights for people with disabilities (article dtd 13 May, 2020)
thejournal.ie: Covid-19 outbreaks confirmed in 100 disability settings (article 3 May, 2020)
The Irish Times: A mother writes: ‘My son has severe autism. I’m starting to feel quite desperate’ (article dtd 27 April, 2020)
The Japan Times: Facing the COVID-19 crisis in Japan with a disability
WTTW: UIC Student (from Japan) With a Disability Fights to Live Independently in Uncertain Times (article dtd 21 April, 2020)
Korean Disability Forum (KDF): Manual on Prevention and Response to Infectious Diseases
International Disability Alliance (IDA): COVID-19 in Nepal: What are the challenges for indigenous persons with disabilities? (dtd 5 May, 2020)
How to protect yourself from coronavirus– REKHA Thapa PSA (no captions or sign language)
New Zealand
Ministry of Health: COVID-19: Information for disabled people and their family and whānau
New Zealand Herald: Covid 19 coronavirus: Mother of child with disability wants PPE for care workers (dtd 31 March, 2020) Includes video with sign language)
RNZ: Covid-19: Disability advocates on leaving no one behind (dtd 27 March, 2020)
International Disability Alliance: Covid-19 for Peruvians with disabilities: wonderful laws but long way to full implementation (dtd 11 May, 2020)
Social distancing’s victims: In a Luzon quarantine, the disabled are mostly forgotten
United Kingdom
UK Gov: Coronavirus update – benefit reviews and reassessments suspended (dtd 23 March, 2020)
UK Gov National Health Service: Clinical guide for front line staff to support the management of patients with a learning disability, autism or both during the coronavirus pandemic – relevant to all clinical specialities (dtd 24 March, 2020)
ARISE Consortium: Risks and vulnerability related to disability and COVID-19 (blog dtd 14 April, 2020)
BBC Future: Why coronavirus may make the world more accessible (article dtd 13 May, 2020)
BBC: Coronavirus: Lack of sign language interpreters leads to legal case against government (article dtd 28 April, 2020)
BBC: Coronavirus: Autistic support group ‘told it needed DNR orders’ (dtd 9 April, 2020)
Doughty Street Chambers: Learning disability, coronavirus and international human rights law – Webinar by Oliver Lewis (YouTube video dtd 16 April, 2020)
DiversityQ: Helping disabled employees to work during the coronavirus lockdown (article dtd 24 April, 2020)
Enable Scotland: Stepping Up Live
Independent: Coronavirus: Deaths in mental health hospitals double as Covid-19 spreads (article dtd 8 May, 2020)
SCVO: No One Left Behind Digital Scotland: COVID-19 (DTD 19 March, 2020)
TFN News (Scotland): Disabled people at breaking point with fear and anxiety (article dtd 8 May, 2020)
The Guardian:
My sister died of coronavirus. She needed care, but her life was not disposable (article dtd 12 May, 2020)
‘Brink of collapse’: parents of disabled children buckling under 24-hour care (article dtd 13 May, 2020)
Disabled people left off coronavirus vulnerable list tell of struggles. Guardian readers share their experiences as calls grow for food scheme to be expanded (article dtd 27 April, 2020)
UK coronavirus rules relaxed for people with autism and learning disabilities. Policy updated after lawyers challenge ‘discriminatory’ lockdown measures (14 April, 2020)
Other International
GLAD Network Statement on persons with disabilities in the COVID-19 outbreak and response
Global Partnership for Education: An inclusive response to COVID-19: Education for children with disabilities (article dtd 11 May, 2020)
Humanity & Inclusion:
- Guidance Note 2: Inclusive Governance and the “aftermath” of the COVID-19 Pandemic (25 June, 2020)
- Inclusive Governance Guidance Note on COVID-19 (April, 2020)
- COVID-19 Response: Adapting our actions to combat the virus and protect the most vulnerable
Human Rights Watch: Protect Rights of People with Disabilities During COVID-19; Ensure Access to Information, Essential Services For Those Most at Risk (video and article dtd 26 March, 2020)
Human Rights Watch: COVID-19 Law Puts Rights of People with Disabilities at Risk; Scrutiny Needed to Ensure Rights of People with Disabilities, Older Persons
HSJ: ‘Unprecedented’ number of DNR orders for learning disabilities patients (article dtd 24 April, 2020)
International Disability Alliance (IDA):
Ecuador – “We either die of hunger or coronavirus”, COVID-19 in Ecuador (13 May, 2020)
Peru – Covid-19 for Peruvians with disabilities: wonderful laws but long way to full implementation (dtd 11 May, 2020)
Nepal –COVID-19 in Nepal: What are the challenges for indigenous persons with disabilities? (dtd 5 May, 2020)
Reaching Persons with Deafblindness during the Covid-19 pandemic (29 April, 2020)
Accessibility Campaign – COVID19 (April, 2020)
COVID 19 and the disability movement
International Disability Alliance’s COVID-19 and the Disability Movement webpage includes a list of recommendations towards a disability-inclusive COVIS-19 response.
Minority Rights Group International: Statement on the Impact of the Global COVID-19 Pandemic on Persons with Disabilities from Minority, Indigenous and other Marginalised Communities (dtd 27 April, 2020)
COVID-19 Disability Rights Monitor (Survey) for a variety of stakeholders. Please take the survey and encourage others to do so!
Disability Debrief by Mr. Peter Toress Fremlin provides resources and news from around the world around disability and COVID-19. Subscribe to receive updates from Mr. Fremlin.
International Labor Organization (ILO): COVID-19 and the World of Work
ILO: No one left behind, not now, not ever: Persons with disabilities in the COVID-19 response (publication for download dtd 8 April 2020)
Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Opinion paper
Survey on People with Disabilities and COVID-19 Pandemic by United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – UNISDR Pacific
The Global Initiative for Inclusive ICTs (G3ict): Information and Resources for Disability Inclusive Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP): Webinar: Protecting and Empowering Persons with Disabilities in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (14 May, 2020) captions available.
UNESCO Mozambique: Young person with a disability does not give up studying due to the COVID-19 pandemic (14 May, 2020)
UNESCO World Education Blog: How is the coronavirus affecting learners with disabilities? (dtd 30 March 2020)
UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (OHCHR): COVID-19: States should not abuse emergency measures to suppress human rights – UN experts (dtd 16 March, 2020)
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA): Everyone included: protecting vulnerable groups in times of a global pandemic (dtd April, 2020)
UN Economic & Social Commissions for Asia & the Pacific (ESCAP) Policy Brief: COVID-19 and Persons with Disabilities (look on the right sidebar for the link to download the brief)
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) has launched a survey in order to collect information on the experience of persons with disabilities in the current Covid-19 pandemic. Please find the survey links below and disseminate through your networks.
UN Mobilizes Global to Fight COVID-19 (17 March, 2020)
UN News: Preventing discrimination against people with disabilities in COVID-19 response (Article dtd 19 March, 2020)
VALIDITY: Disability Rights During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Launch of the COVID-19 Disability Rights Monitor (article dtd 20 April, 2020)
Voice of America: UN Leader: 1B People with Disabilities Hard Hit by Virus (article dtd 6 May, 2020)
World Blind Union (WBU): WBU Call to Action -19 Actions for an inclusive Covid-19 response (April, 2020)
World Economic Forum: ‘I hope he doesn’t feel too lonely’ – COVID-19 hits people with intellectual disabilities hard (article dtd 24 April 2020)
World Health Organization: Disability considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak (dtd 26 March, 2020) Available in English & Spanish.
World Health Organization Country and Technical Guidance
World Health Organization Rolling Updates on COVID-19
World Federation of the Deaf: Informational Newsletter on the Corona Virus