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Isabel Hodge
Active Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 5
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Many of us are living through some challenging times due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  I never thought something like this would occur during my lifetime. As a person who is at high-risk, I am doing my best to stay home and asking my family to stay home too. I'm also taking this opportunity to learn about my rights as a person with a disability should I become sick.

There's a lot of excellent information on the web specifically for people with disabilities. I have been updating USICD's COVID-19 webpage daily with information, resources and articles from around the globe. Please share this page with your friends and colleagues. Over 10 new items are being added today. Also, visit our Facebook page to get our latest news and updates. Our Twiiter account is @USICD

How are you doing through these unusual times? What are the pros and cons about staying at home? How are you staying in touch with friends and family?

My children are grown adults so I have to admit that it has been good to have them all at home and I'm getting to spend quality time with them. The challenge for my two sons is that they are unable to work right now. My daughter is able to telework as well as my husband. My pets are thoroughly enjoying all the company. I've been using Facebook video messenger to chat with my family living in Texas, my relatives in Scotland, and friends around the world. Technology has made isolation easier for so many.

I sincerely hope that someone will respond to my post. We could all use a little conversation right now. 

Be safe,


