1.2 Article 32 and its Obligation to Advance Disability Inclusive Development Through the CRPD

Intended Audience: Persons with disabilities, Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs), Local Governments, Local NGOs, International NGOs, International governmental organizations (INGOs), Donor organizations (National, international)

In this module, you will:

  1. Understand the broad context for disability and development.
  2. Examine the legal basis under the CRPD for disability inclusive development
  3. Understand how the CRPD is impacting bilateral and multilateral donor responses.
  4. Identify examples of disability inclusive development strategies in different sectors of development.

Click on the video below to start this module.

Intended Audience: Persons with disabilities, Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs), Local Governments (especially law enforcement personnel), Local NGOs, International NGOs, International governmental organizations (INGOs), Donor organizations (National, international)

Contact USICD for a copy of the lesson point version to use for your own training purposes)

Please note: Credit must be given to the US International Council on Disabilities and Rehabilitation International.

Important Resources:

Disability Inclusion Matters for All (World Bank, video)

2018 UN Flagship Report on Disability & Development (United Nations, website)

Disability Inclusive Justice Systems Reform (Devex, video)

Click on the video under the lesson tab (see above) to begin the lesson. Captions are included.

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